Dreams in the future

       Certainly the future will surely come. How else are we to prepare.
That's why I have to prepare for the future with better and have a plan for the future, the next 5 years.Surely every person on this earth have dreams, have ideals or desires for the future.
I actually wrote dreams or ideals I'm here as a motivation for yourself, realized it or not it depends of the almighty god, which is important we should always try.Because the dream belongs to anyone, anywhere, and anytime. So there is no harm to dream.
       I have a lot of dream, desire and others, His name is also human, always there is no word satisfied.The first one I want to have a permanent job, like be a teacher or lecturer, because there are a fixed salary for life, and have a salary regularly.
Second, I want to have a house before marriage, because any how after getting married for sure and have to have your own home, for the family, wife and kids, so I want to prepare it later.Continue to the third, if there is no money , I want to bring my parents to hajj, or a minimum of ' umrah, because for my parents everything, all that we accomplish not escape from her prayers, behind the success of a person there must be the prayers of parents accompanying. So for me it's mandatory to make there happy.
       For me the burden of parents is very large, so we ought to make him happy. For the future, I also want to have a car, it was my dream from now on, and do not know can be realized or not, can bring my family  touring with cars,especially my parents.
But the bottom line in life, whatever we have we should be thankful for, it is already a favor from the Lord, we do not know the fate of the future,what in the give of the lord is the best for us, Hopefully what I dreamed it could come true and granted by Allah swt. Amen



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